Lawn Care

Lawn Care | Call Today 727.322.1200

As the most significant component of ongoing landscape maintenance, lawn care is composed of three primary elements: pest control, weed control, and fertilizer.

Pest control – One of the eight core principle of the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) Program we follow is that pests should be responsibly managed by foregoing pesticide in favor of natural Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Weed control – Healthy lawns naturally resist weeds. If herbicides are needed, our Integrated Management approach ensures that weeds are targeted directly and with ecologically sound solutions.

Fertilizer – One of the other FFL core principles that guides the way we do business is that fertilizers should be used sparingly, only to maintain lawn and plant health. This tenet helps us to reduce water pollution in our state.

For more on our lawn care services, schedule an appointment with us today.